Have you ever encountered with such situation, when you, without knowing about it, wander having worn a worried look, and people asked all the time the reason of being like that?
Surely, you will have no explanation to it, as it happened unconsciously. That means, to give out incorrect expressions, when you feel something, but your face tells absolutely different appearance.
This is the case of this wonderful kitten, named Bum, who looks all the time sad or worried, but in reality, he is very calm or vice versa, very joyful.
Even born with this permanently worried-looking expression on his face, this cute creature will melt everyone’s heart.
Nobody can pass by this wonderful soul without paying attention to him, not only because of his extraordinary look, but because he is a very loving and adorable creature. As soon as you see him, you will fall in love with him.
Bum was only four- weeks-old, when he appeared at the San Diego Human Society, where everyone loved him from the first sight.
People started to call him worried eyes. In the beginning the little sweet kitten was very shy, he was timid with people, but soon, when he felt the positive and warm feelings of shelter workers, he came out of his shell.
Bum is a very lovable, cute soul, who is full of energy and enormous love to everyone. As all the other common cats, he also loves cuddles and sleeping covered with a warm and soft blanket.
This kitten with his unique face expression is very compassionate and kind, he sits with the sick or injured cats at the shelter, trying to comfort them with his sad looking eyes.
Though Bum has to bear this worried looking face forever, anyway, everyone will always love this inside cheerful and cute kitten.