Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both


Meet Luna and Louis.

Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both

The two kittens met at STAR Shelter in Gainesville, Florida.

Louis was a loner, but Luna clung to him and did not want to let go. Thus, their tender friendship began.

Before finding these two best friends, James and his girlfriend went to a shelter to look for a dog, but ended up returning home with two cats.

Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both

“We went in search of the dog, but we forgot that we live in an apartment and work full time. We spend very little time at home and the dogs need a lot more attention,” says James.

“So we realized that taking a cat would be the best decision. After all, I have had cats all my life, and I know how to provide them with the necessary conditions.”

Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both

“My girlfriend saw Luna and fell in love. We took some time to think and returned after two weeks. Luna was still there. She rested with Louis and the other cats.”

The future foster parents understood that they would not leave the shelter without a little furry.

But Luna refused to leave without her best friend.

Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both

Therefore, the couple decided to take Louis, but only for a while. So that Luna can quickly settle in an unfamiliar place.

A few hours after people and cats arrived at their home, it became clear that the two fur buddies could not be separated.

They are two parts of one whole, they have an incredibly strong bond.

Within a week, Louis became an integral part of the family. That means that the best friends will never have to part!

Couple goes to a shelter to adopt a cat that did not want to let go of her best friend and in the end they had to shelter both

“They love to take care of each other and take naps together. They do everything together,” says James.

“Luna and Louis have spent the last few days just sitting by our Christmas tree. Here they snuggle up all day long, kiss and play. “

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