Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you’ve never seen before


Scrappy is the name of this funny old man, who became famous on the Web in his declining years. Of course, this color is rare for cats. And that’s why.

The cat has become an Internet star thanks to its interesting color

Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you've never seen before

In 1997, a man named David (not a very superstitious man) bought a regular black cat.

Scrappy was not the most beautiful kitten from the litter, so David took pity on him and took him home.

Scrappy sat at a distance from the others.

Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you've never seen before

Although he was a pretty cute cat, he didn’t look so cute compared to his siblings.

“I decided to buy Scrappy, because at that moment it seemed to me that if not me, then no one would do it.”

Everything changed when Scrappy was 7 years old. His fur began to become covered with white spots.

Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you've never seen before

Perhaps the reason for this was a rare (especially for cats) skin disease, named vitiligo, that affects pigmentation.

Fortunately, it doesn’t affect your health or well-being in any way.

Despite his venerable age, Scrappy was the king of the street. He put all the neighboring cats in their place.

Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you've never seen before

According to the owner, Scrappy behaved arrogantly at home too.

If he didn’t want to be photographed, then there was no way you can force him. He could also be grumpy.

But his loyalty to David was difficult to describe in words. Scrappy let only him rub his tummy.

Meet Scrappy, the dazzling marbled cat in a unique coat with an extraordinary pattern you've never seen before

Scrappy’s unique coloring made him not only the hero of the Network, but also the face of Amazon Pets.

Unfortunately, Scrappy is no longer with us.

He got sick in 2017 and died at the age of nineteen. His owner loves and misses him, and he is still irreplaceable.

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