This woman carries her husband in her arms: see what this special couple’s son looks like

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Gregory and Ann met on a website for people with disabilities.

This woman carries her husband in her arms: see what this special couple's son looks like

The girl initially knew that her friend was not very healthy, but did not understand how much. Although it didn’t matter to her, they got along so well and communicated easily on all topics.

Gradually, this communication began to develop into flirting and sympathy appeared.

When the first meeting took place, Ann and Gregory looked at each other for a long time, were very excited and talked a lot.

The man has been disabled since childhood. Only his head fully developed, and the rest of his body was deformed.

Even the most experienced doctors did not give him more than 3 years of life.

This woman carries her husband in her arms: see what this special couple's son looks like

But it is thanks to the incredible efforts of his mother that Gregory is still alive and happy.

In 2013, the couple was invited to a TV show, where the man made a marriage proposal to his beloved.

And a month later the wedding took place. Several years have passed, and the couple is still happy, as before.

During this time, they managed to get married and they have a wonderful son.

Gregory has a job – he develops websites and maintains a video blog, providing for his family.

This woman carries her husband in her arms: see what this special couple's son looks like

And Ann is a housewife, she brings up the baby and supports the family nest.

Recently, a very important event happened in this family – they bought an apartment, and they still have many plans for the future.


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