It has long been no secret to anyone that celebrities actively use Photoshop and other methods of improving pictures – only a few of them post “honest” photos on their blogs, for which they do not use filters.
However, if some profs of social media are extremely skillful in retouching their pictures, then others regularly face criticism for “inept” editing.
And 52-year-old Naomi Campbell has recently become one of the latter. In her blog, the celebrity decided to share a series of pictures taken during the Vanity Fair party.
The close-up photo looked so unnatural that fans began to compare it with the original. And, most surprisingly, the retouched picture was inferior to the “honest” picture in all respects.
In the picture on social media, Naomi did not have a single wrinkle, but because of this, her face looked simply implausible. Surprised Internet users immediately dubbed the picture as “the worst photoshop in history.”
“It’s amazing that she looks better in this photo than in this retouched picture”, “Naomi and Madonna have one retoucher for two?”.
“Why such an inept editing?”, “Sincerely trying to understand why it was necessary to do so heavily edit this photo, she looks great”, “At 52, Naomi looks just gorgeous. But this, apparently, is not enough for her,” the star’s followers express themselves in the comments to the picture.
By the way, Naomi is quite actively trying to keep herself in great shape. She does not like to go on diets, but with a certain frequency she arranges a detox for her body.
This helps her not only in relation to the figure, but also improves the condition of the skin.