I noticed that my neighbour never disposes of her used plastic bottles 🤔 When I found out what she does with them, I was amazed 😲 I’ve been doing the same thing ever since 😲 Here’s her trick, which I’m sharing with you ⬇️⬇️
Don’t be too quick to throw away your old plastic bottles, as they can be useful household helpers. Here are some tips for reusing them:
Storage for small tools: Cut the bottles horizontally to create compartments for office supplies, small tools or cosmetics.
Plant support: Cut off the top part of the bottle to make a small flower pot. Ideal for herbs or flowers that need a little more moisture.
Help for seedlings: Cover small plants with plastic bottles (without lids) to create a ‘mini-greenhouse’ effect that creates ideal growing conditions.
Solar heater: Cut open the bottle, place a dark cloth or object inside and use it as a simple solar heater for confined spaces.
Bird feeder: Cut open one side of the bottle, drill holes for the hanger, fill it with food and attach it to a tree trunk for the birds.