Appear significantly younger.
A pair, who had not cut their hair in more than 10 years, decided that it was high time to change it.
They kept the style of 80s and their alteration changed them totally, letting everyone in wonder.
See how can a little change effect on the people totally.
Some image specialists are sure that people should change their looks every two years.
But have you ever imagined what would you be like, if you would not cut your hair during 10 years?
It is difficult to imagine, but this pair has such kind of experience.
Tim and Wendy decided not to cut their hair for so many years.
They longer their hair like in 80s and thought there is no need to cut.
Then, their friends thought that they needed a new hairstyle.
Oprah Whitney and her team came to help. They discussed, with Tim and Wendy, their emotions after the change.
Wendy said, that she had not cut her hair since 1992, and knew that her look made her older about six years.
Time had not cut his hair since 1985, seemed older than his age. He was 43, but his long hair made him 50 or even 60.
When they discovered their looks after change, the people were astounded.
They were totally other people, and how could a simple haircut alter them and make them younger and even change their emotions and the amount of energy.
What can you say about their wish to keep 80s style so long?
Would you like to do the same and then have an enhancement totally?