How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 

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They restored their terrible kitchen into a wonderful and bright place. The couple decided to overcome the obstacles and difficulties to have a very comfort and cozy kitchen totally by themselves.

How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 

Working two months, they achieved their goal and restored their horrible kitchen into a modern and pleasant place.

Meet their stages of renovation and difficulties, that they had already overcome, in the article below!

Lately, this family reached their destination, having their house.

After coming to that house, they saw the terrible state of a house and mainly the kitchen. The walls were old and colorless.

How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 

The radiator put under the window uncomfortably. And an ancient carpet put on the unequal floor.

The wife and the husband came to a conclusion about not employing a designer.

They decided the design of their kitchen by themselves and began the restoration. They finished their job two months later, the kitchen looked like a real new and modern kitchen.

How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 

At the beginning, they evened the floor and put tiles. Then they colored the walls and changed the old door.

They hided the radiator with an ornament.

How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 

At the end, they fixed the suspended ceiling. They painted the walls with white to larger and brighter the kitchen.

How this family altered their dining-room from a catastrophe to a marvel: Unassisted by a designer 


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