Exhausted by constant criticism, a mom decided to fight back in a bold way: she staged a provocative photo shoot to put an end to the judgment. Discover how she silences her critics with style and determination in this article 👇!
Who could question the naturalness of breastfeeding? In theory, no one. Yet, when it happens in public, the reality seems quite different for some moms. Judgments, controversies, complaints… criticism abounds, with some even perceiving it as inappropriate provocation. Faced with this opposition, The Mirror reports the story of Reka Nyari, a mother determined to defend the right to breastfeed her child freely in public, responding boldly to disapproving stares and hostile comments.
Public breastfeeding sparks numerous debates and questions, particularly in societies where this natural practice is often, and wrongly, seen through a sexualized lens.
This mistaken perception clashes with advocates of “good morals” and traditional values such as modesty and civility, who sometimes exaggerate in their judgments. In the face of such disapproval, Reka Nyari firmly defends her right to breastfeed in public without being swayed by criticism.
Her Artistic Response
This mother breastfeeds her little daughter, Ilo, and never uses a bottle.
Reka has often been accused of playing a “game” of seduction to lure men away from their partners, wives, or girlfriends. Aware of the potential backlash, this American woman decided to pose naturally while breastfeeding her daughter, creating a powerful photo and accepting any potential future remarks.
She recounted a humiliating incident on a flight to Budapest, where a fellow passenger sitting in front of her made offensive remarks. “The most obnoxious person was definitely this woman, traveling with her boyfriend. She called me ‘disgusting’ and bombarded me with degrading comments. She thought that by breastfeeding my daughter during the plane’s landing, I was trying to steal her man,” she said, shocked by such an unjustified reaction.
Reka emphasizes that breastfeeding is a profoundly natural act and cannot understand why it is sometimes viewed in a perverse way. As a committed photographer, she supports extended breastfeeding beyond one year and stands by all mothers who choose to do the same.
Through her message, she encourages moms to stop hiding and to share their choice to breastfeed publicly, aiming to break taboos and promote broader acceptance of this practice. At the same time, she challenges her critics, suggesting they confront their judgments with her research and arguments, deeply rooted in her experience and convictions.