‘The Man Who Knew How Marilyn Died’: Private Detective Unveils Truth about Monroe’s Unknown Disappearance


Marilyn Monroe once famously remarked, “The true things rarely get into circulation. It’s usually the false things.” This sentiment resonates in the latest documentary, essentially a visual rendition of a book published three decades ago by Summers, who continues to assert a significant cover-up surrounding Marilyn Monroe’s death. The documentary immediately delves into references to the Kennedys.

Summers claims to have interviewed 650 individuals for his book “Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe,” first published in 1985, following the LA County District Attorney’s reopening of the investigation into Monroe’s death in 1982. Many individuals highlighted in this new documentary were part of his research for “Goddess.” The documentary emphasizes, “All voice recordings are the real voices of friends and colleagues of Marilyn Monroe.” However, questions arise regarding how many interviewed individuals were truly part of Monroe’s inner circle.

For those intrigued by conspiracy theories involving the Kennedys, the mob, Jimmy Hoffa, etc., this documentary may appeal. However, if one seeks insights from individuals genuinely connected to Marilyn Monroe’s life, a different approach might be more insightful. The author promises to address, in chronological order, those interviewed in the documentary, comparing them with individuals listed in Marilyn Monroe’s personal phone books from 1962 to discern genuine connections.

‘The Man Who Knew How Marilyn Died’: Private Detective Unveils Truth about Monroe’s Unknown Disappearance

The author’s overall assessment of the documentary is rather critical, viewing it as a mere rehash of content from the original book without presenting any new information. With Summers frequently appearing throughout, the documentary appears more about him than Monroe, resembling a vanity project aimed at reasserting his presence in Monroe’s legacy, conveniently timed just months before the 60th anniversary of her passing.

One significant issue raised is Summers’ persistence with the ambulance story, claiming Monroe was taken away in an ambulance but died en route to the hospital, a narrative contradicted by the timeline of events. This article promises to scrutinize this claim further.

The documentary begins with an audio tape featuring Summers and Al Rosen, a Hollywood Agent. Rosen vaguely mentions his acquaintance with Monroe during her early years, insinuating that she was among starlets “who could be laid.” His inclusion seems dubious, serving only to imply Monroe’s vulnerability as a starlet. Later, Rosen shifts focus to the sexual exploits of the Kennedy brothers, suggesting that their father was their role model. Notably, Rosen does not appear in Marilyn Monroe’s phone books.

‘The Man Who Knew How Marilyn Died’: Private Detective Unveils Truth about Monroe’s Unknown Disappearance

The next interviewee, Gloria Romanoff, claims acquaintance with Monroe through her husband in the early 1940s and asserts Monroe’s involvement with John F. Kennedy in the 1950s. However, her contributions offer little substance, and there is no concrete evidence of their friendship. Similarly, neither Gloria Romanoff nor her husband, Michael, appear in Monroe’s phonebooks.

Both Rosen and Romanoff insinuate Monroe’s association with Joseph Schenck, Chairman of the Board at Twentieth Century-Fox, based solely on hearsay and secondhand information.

Subsequent to Rosen and Romanoff, the documentary features an interview with John Huston, who directed Monroe in “The Asphalt Jungle” (1950) and “The Misfits” (1961). Huston acknowledges Hollywood agent Johnny Hyde’s affection for Monroe and offers supportive comments about her. Notably, Huston is listed in Monroe’s phone books.

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