Encounter with 4 months Chahat Kumar who already has a record. This small and wonderful creature is from India.
She is only four months. Generally, she is alike the other children, she plays, she is quiet and enjoys her childhood.
She lives in a very poor family, and they can’t afford them a lot of things.
But in one point, she is differed from the other children. Becoming 6-months she started to eat different kinds of foods, besides the milk, she started to gain weight, and she was transformed totally.
She became fat due to her not being full, it means that she ate frequently and much.
So in 9-months she was 20 kilos. This fact, that the girl had additional weight, which was abnormal and strange for that age, astonished the doctors but not parents.
They considered this extraordinary illness as normal thing.
For them, it was an ordinary thing to be always starving. In their opinion, it was normal to have good appetite, than being skinny.
People leaving in remote places and being uneducated, consider such kind of things very normal and accept it without trying to solve or change it, in case of their daughter, they can’t realize the difficulties that their child can have in the future.
What is your opinion about the behavior of her parents? Do they use their girl for having a record? Everyone’s thought is interesting, share your opinion in the comments below