The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house


Renee and her husband have a small house, and outside there is a catio – a personal amusement park for their cats, Jerry and Loki.

Once, the hosts noticed that a new guest appeared near their catio.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

A white cat with a black tail began to often look into Renee’s yard.

It turned out that this white and black handsome man was stray

As soon as Renee and her husband found out about this, they gave the cat a name – Ziggy.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

And they decided by all means to win him over.

They left bowls of treats for the guest near the catio.

But at first he was on his guard: he came, ate all the food, but as soon as he saw people, he hid in the bushes, not allowing himself to be touched.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

But the owners did not despair.

Renee and her husband decided to build a cozy, warm house for Ziggy on the spot where they left the bowls for him.

They moved the bowls to the wooden house and waited for Ziggy to realize that this was his new home.

Ziggy appreciated the gift and settled under the slate roof near the catio.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

The couple were still discussing whether to take the cat into the house by force or wait until he completely begins to trust them, but fate decided everything for them.

Once they found Ziggy inside the house, curled up in a ball and trembling.

The cat was injured.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

They took him to the vet.

After a complex medical intervention, there was no question of returning the cat to the street.

He was given a separate room until he recovered.

The rest of the cats reacted with understanding to the newcomer.

The family is so eager to save a stray cat and to earn his trust that they built him his own house

So Ziggy became a full member of the family: he can now use the catio with older cats and live in the house if he wants.

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  1. Charlene Sullins

    Thanks for saving this poor cat.
