People’s opinions and characters are different among many people. It depends on the person’s approach whether something is pretty or not.
As in this story, people can have many various options about the beauty.
This exclusive boy, named Muin, with the outlying eyelashes has raised up. He has been included in the Guinness book. Now look at her as a teenager.
Encounter with this boy from a very big family. When he was born, the doctors are astonished by his outrageously pretty look.
His eyelashes were very long, some people thought that he had an illness.
When he became popular and people started to know him, his unique look became a topic of many talks.
The reason of this abnormal behavior is that nobody was alike him.
Besides having long eyelashes, he had also very dense eyebrows, which resulted to come to a conclusion that these features are appropriate to her genes.
It is possible, even his name is present in the Guinness Book of Records.
It became very ordinary thing for him, that many people are inquisitive about his look.
During the time, he gets used to getting more interest, attentiveness, and questions about his eyelashes.
It is his characteristic feature, by which he can be distinguished from the others.