When fishermen release the baby dolphin from the nets its mother starts to jump for joy expressing her gratitude to the rescuers


A heartwarming footage shows the joy and gratitude of a mother dolphin, when her baby was set free from the net traps.

When fishermen release the baby dolphin from the nets its mother starts to jump for joy expressing her gratitude to the rescuers

The scene was captured in Southern Italy, by some kind fishermen, who released the poor calf from the fishing nets, saving its life.

And its desperate mother seeing her baby rescued and alive was trying to express her feelings in jumping for joy and saying thanks to the saviors.

When fishermen release the baby dolphin from the nets its mother starts to jump for joy expressing her gratitude to the rescuers

Unfortunately, this is not the unique case, when marine animals get trapped in the fishing nets, which mostly end up with their death.

So, many animal rights groups demand to reduce this kind of human activities to protect the marine animals lives.

Speechless, maternal love has no boundaries, and this dolphin mother is a proof of it. She found a wonderful way to show her thankfulness to the people, who gave a second chance of life to her baby.

When fishermen release the baby dolphin from the nets its mother starts to jump for joy expressing her gratitude to the rescuers

The touching footage was filmed by Mario Polizzi, which he shared on the social media pages, and numerous people fell in love with the incredible gesture of the mother dolphin.

The scene was really attractive and heart melting.

When fishermen release the baby dolphin from the nets its mother starts to jump for joy expressing her gratitude to the rescuers

Dolphins are very intelligent, smart creatures. Dolphin mothers spend about six years with their babies to prepare them for the difficult marine life.

These caring mothers also sing for their future calves in the womb. They are able to communicate with each other by means of special whistles.

Watch the touching moment of the mother dolphin’s admiring gesture here:

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