Angelina Jolie’s 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

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Time, as you know, flies quickly and imperceptibly. And now Shiloh, the middle biological daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who seemed to be a baby just recently, suddenly became an adult.

Angelina Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

Moreover, as it became known, she had already started her first relationship.

This was announced by an insider from among the girl’s friends, who shared information with Life & Style.

As Shiloh’s friend said, Jolie’s daughter admitted a couple of months ago that she would like to start dating.

Angelina Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

And now she has found herself a boyfriend with whom she began a relationship.

However, Shiloh is doing everything so far not to be captured by paparazzi and keep the identity of her chosen one a secret from outsiders for as long as possible.

Angelina Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

At the same time, Angelina is already aware of her daughter’s romance.

Shiloh introduced her friend to her. Because at one time, in exchange for her mother’s permission to meet with the boys, she promised to introduce Jolie to her boyfriends.

Angelina Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

By the way, this behavior of Shiloh is now an act of good will on her part.

After all, the girl has every right to consider herself old enough and not ask her mother for permission to make friends.

In a little over two weeks, she will be 17 years old.

Angelina Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Shiloh started her first romance: see how the actress reacted

At the same time, as far as we know, she will soon become financially independent as well.

The girl, who has shown an outstanding choreographic talent, is moonlighting as a back dancer and tutor for schoolchildren.

In addition, she is thinking about a modeling career. And her figure is just right for this.


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  1. Shelia Wallace

    Such a beautiful young lady
    She was a tomboy for a while. Just proves kids don’t need sex changes. They grow out of those boyish stages after a while..

    1. Leah Almstad

      100%! I wish more families would just wait for the kids to figure it all out instead of mutilating their bodies when they are so young!

    2. Arlene Littlejohn

      Totally agree.

    3. Fiona Beavan


    4. Michelle

      Wow what a very uninformed and dismissive comment

  2. Jeanne

    She is a beautiful young lady, Thank God her parents let her be who she was when she was a child, they didn’t make a big deal over her choices. She dressed like a boy and I think she wanted to be called John and by not making a catastrophe about it she grew out of it in her time and is a beautiful young lady.

    1. Fiona Beavan


  3. Cherie

    Isn’t it so nice that Angelina & Brad let her be while growing up. Tomboy, just like most girls as youngsters. They didn’t rush out and mutilate her body. They didn’t change her pronouns. They just went along with her & let her grow. She’s always been beautiful & when she grew into her own she became stunning.

  4. Martin Marcella

    Grandpa brad. Lol

  5. Conservatives are dumb

    All these comments about mutilated children are disgusting — trans kids aren’t operated on. That’s right-wing propaganda and bullshit. You people are such gullible fools.