Justin Scott from California works in an ambulance with his wife Sarah.
One day,+ while they were on duty, they received a call from a man in desperate need of help.
It turned out to be one of Justin’s best friends. The man immediately went to the call, but he failed to save his friend.
Justin could not come to terms with the death of a friend and blamed himself for not saving him.
Gradually, he began to sink into depression and at some point realized that he could no longer do without help.
It was decided to take home a dog that could heal the man’s mental wounds and return him to normal life.
Justin and Sarah went to all the local shelters and talked with a hundred dogs until they accidentally stumbled upon Shelby, a short-legged mongrel, in the parking lot.
The moment the funny dog looked at Justin, the man realized that he had found a true friend.
“I looked her straight in the eyes and said, ‘I saved you, now you save me,’” Justin recalls. “And she did just that, pulled me out of the very depths of hell.”
From that day on, Shelby has become an integral part of the family.
When the family was camping in the mountains, it was decided to take Shelby with them.
But as soon as the travelers arrived at the place, Shelby was frightened of something, broke off the leash and ran into the forest.
The man decided to go look for a pet until trouble happened to her.
Until the very night he wandered through the forest, calling out the name of the dog, but then he was forced to return to the camp.
At night, Justin set up traps with food in the hope that its smell would lure the “lost”. But Shelby never returned.
The dog was nowhere to be found.
13 days passed, but there was not a single lead that would lead Justin to a pet. He didn’t even know if she was alive.
“Shelby,” Justin wrote on Facebook, “you were always there, saving me from trouble. We’ll get you back! We will never give up! I saved you once, and I will save you again.”
After returning home, the couple turned to a non-profit organization dedicated to searching for missing animals for help.
Its leader – Babs Fry – personally searched for Shelby by car, sent out orientations and interviewed local residents, touched by Justin’s story.
And here is the call: someone noticed Shelby very close to the house.
Babs rushed to check the traps, and found a dog in one of them!
The mongrel was whole and healthy, only a little emaciated and dirty.
Soon the “lost” was returned home. The long-awaited meeting turned out to be very touching – no one could hold back tears.
For 28 days, the family was looking for their pet, and now they could not let her out of their arms.
Shelby is fine now. And Justin does not tire of thanking fate for sending him his precious dog – and returning her again when there was almost no hope left.