On September 8, the whole of Great Britain froze in mourning. Thousands of citizens daily participate in events dedicated to the memory of Her Majesty.
Many of them try to support members of the royal family. So, the other day, Kate Middleton and Prince William went to Sandrigem to talk with the mourners. And, of course, there were touching moments.
So, 8-year-old Elizabeth Sulkowski came to put a bouquet of flowers and a small plush corgi at the memorial.
She attended along with her classmates, who brought flowers and cards. At one point, Kate approached the children and drew attention to the toy. Middleton leaned over to the girl and asked: “Where do you think she should be?”
The Princess of Wales singled out the baby from the crowd and led her to the memorial herself.
“We should put flowers and corgis here,” the girl suggested. This event shocked the schoolgirl so much that immediately after returning to her classmates, she began to cry.
The director of the school, Gregory Hill, told the Daily Mail about this. “Elizabeth was stunned and wept for joy,” he admitted.
By the way, not only the younger generation finds it difficult to restrain their emotions. During this meeting, Kate Middleton admitted that she could not read postcards dedicated to the memory of Elizabeth II, because they make her cry every time.
However, the Princess of Wales is doing everything possible to save face in this difficult situation. Sometimes it seems that she simply disconnects from reality in order to survive certain moments. Body language experts also talk about this.