This man went to the store and disappeared: after 5 years, he was accidentally found in the Amazon jungle

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In the early summer morning, Canadian Anton Pilipa left his house to go shopping.

Since then, the family simply did not understand where he had disappeared. Because the man did not take any documents, things, or a supply of money with him.

This man went to the store and disappeared: after 5 years, he was accidentally found in the Amazon jungle

Only 5 years later, information about Anton appeared. The man was almost accidentally found in the Amazon jungle, thousands of kilometers from home.

Anton’s family turned to the appropriate authorities for help. Days of searching turned into months, and then into years. The man seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Anton’s relatives were already ready to come to terms with the man’s disappearance. But then a strange letter arrived in the mail to his sister.

The author assured that he was a Brazilian police officer and said that Anton was found on the edge of the jungle.

Of course, the Anton’s family took the letter as fraudulent. But in the next message, the officer really sent a photograph of Anton with a beard, thinner, but generally positive.

This man went to the store and disappeared: after 5 years, he was accidentally found in the Amazon jungle

His brother went to Brazil, since Anton really did not have any documents. And only at home, a few months later, the man told his story of adventure.

It turned out that Anton was sharply tired of a rather meaningless lifestyle associated only with work and TV.

That morning, he left the house with no particular purpose and realized that he did not want to stop. The next day, the man decided to walk to the famous library of Buenos Aires.

Anton left Vancouver, crossed the US border, reached Mexico, after which he visited Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and finally stopped in Argentina.

The guy did most of the way on foot, sometimes he caught passing cars, several times he hid in freight trains. Anton ate fruits and berries, from time to time he was given money by strangers who heard his story.

This man went to the store and disappeared: after 5 years, he was accidentally found in the Amazon jungle

The funny thing is that the man has reached the library. He was not allowed into the building in dirty clothes and without documents: here Anton was so upset that he decided to leave people for the jungle.

The man managed to get to Brazil, lived for a couple of days on the outskirts of the Amazon, and then he was seen on the road by a vigilant policeman.

The law enforcement officer took the strange man to the municipality. He said his name, and after some time the authorities established that they had been looking for Anton for five years.

It is amazing how persistent a person can be in his aspirations. It seems that money and lack of documents cannot stop someone who is determined to hit the road.

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