Meet 28-year-old male ‘Rapunzel’ from Brazil who has grown beautiful and thick red hair to waist length

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Many women, when looking at this guy, get jealous. Any young lady would dream of having such beautiful hair.

Meet 28-year-old male 'Rapunzel' from Brazil who has grown beautiful and thick red hair to waist length

Cristiano Baga has a luxurious head of hair over 50 centimeters long. It took 7 years to grow this length. That is, if the man is now 28 years old, then he decided to change after his twentieth birthday.

In fact, Cristiano is an ordinary man, and long hair does not spoil him at all. But it is eye-catching. Because growing such long, silky, slightly curly hair of a rich red color is not given.

Meet 28-year-old male 'Rapunzel' from Brazil who has grown beautiful and thick red hair to waist length

Baga looks quite masculine, shows interest in girls and is not very upset by critics. Although, even friends sometimes call him “Rapunzel” or “Hairy woman.”

The guy himself says that he inherited such a luxurious hair structure from his ancestors. His grandmother had long and thick hair that reached almost to the floor.

Cristiano takes care of his hair, but he does not have any special secrets. Just good shampoos and masks, and gentle combing.

Meet 28-year-old male 'Rapunzel' from Brazil who has grown beautiful and thick red hair to waist length

Therefore, the beauty of his hair is a genetic gift. Well, if nature has given this, why not take advantage of it.

Baga does not even think about getting rid of long hair. So far, he sees no serious reason to become an ordinary guy with a haircut.

Meet 28-year-old male 'Rapunzel' from Brazil who has grown beautiful and thick red hair to waist length

Friends love him as he is, and exquisite hair brings not only attention, but also a lot of money.

Cristiano is quite successfully working as a model. By the way, he wears a beard, and when he does modern hairstyles, he looks very much like a Viking or an ancient hero.

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