Loyal dog waits for his humans four years in the same spot where he lost them


When it comes to the description of a dog, the first word that appears in your mind is loyalty.

This ability of dogs is incredible. This touching story is a good example, proving once more their inexplicable faithfulness.

Loyal dog waits for his humans four years in the same spot where he lost them

A few years ago, the story of faithful dog Leo, who has been patiently waiting for his humans in the exact spot for more than 4 years, went viral on social media pages.

Nobody knows how, the poor Leo was left nearby the gas station 4 years ago.

The loyal dog missed his owners very much, and he didn’t leave that place, where he lost them, with a hope to see them again.

Loyal dog waits for his humans four years in the same spot where he lost them

Leo looked very thin and sick. Apparently he had some skin disease.

People passing by, wanted to help the poor starving dog, giving him some food.

Even more, a kind woman, named Saowalak offered him her home, but Leo escaped from her home and came back again to the same spot, where he was waiting for his family.

Loyal dog waits for his humans four years in the same spot where he lost them

The merciful woman continued to feed him every day.

One day, a passerby, noticing the poor dog, thought he was a stray dog, but, as soon as he learned about his sad story, he tried to help the desperate dog to find his owners.

He intended to use the Facebook, posting the photos of Leo and his story there.

And he hadn’t to wait long, as soon, someone reacted, recognizing in those photos his lost dog BonBon. That was a miracle.

Loyal dog waits for his humans four years in the same spot where he lost them

When he arrived to see the dog, there was no doubt that it was his missing dog.

Leo was so happy eventually to meet his human, but Leo didn’t want to follow him.

He decided to live with the kind woman, who took care of him so many years. The owner had to respect his choice.

Hopefully, Leo is now very happy with his new kindhearted owner.

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