Hunter becomes the hunted: the prolific trophy hunter gets eaten by a crocodile while hunting elephants and lions


The costs of the profession are different for everyone.

Hunter becomes the hunted: the prolific trophy hunter gets eaten by a crocodile while hunting elephants and lions

Scott Van Zyl, a professional trophy hunter from South Africa, went missing 4 years ago in Zimbabwe.

The South African hunter was a member of an organization offering safari tours.

During these tours, hunting is carried out mainly for big game.

Hunter becomes the hunted: the prolific trophy hunter gets eaten by a crocodile while hunting elephants and lions

By the way, Scott himself planned to make a collection of trophies from seven species of animals that live in that area.

So, in April 2017, together with a local tracker and hunting dogs, he came to the Limpopo River for another safari.

No one saw Van Zyl again.

Hunter becomes the hunted: the prolific trophy hunter gets eaten by a crocodile while hunting elephants and lions

According to the Daily Telegraph, at some point the hunters left the car and dispersed in different directions. The dogs later returned to camp without van Zyl.

Rescuers were sent to find the hunter, the area was surveyed by trackers and divers.

Rescuers managed to find his tracks and a backpack on the river bank.

Hunter becomes the hunted: the prolific trophy hunter gets eaten by a crocodile while hunting elephants and lions

Two alligators lived near this place. The police suggested that the reptiles may be involved in the disappearance of the hunter. So it was decided to shoot the animals.

“Inside we found something that looked like fragments of a human body,” – told the publication one of the participants in the operation.

The result of a DNA test established that the remains found in the insides of alligators belonged to Scott van Zyl.

Here is a story of one fate…

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