The dolphin swims up to the diver at a depth, pushes him with his nose and asks for help to remove the fishing line

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Divers with an experienced instructor were making a night dive when a dolphin swam up from the darkness.

He unmistakably chose the head of the group, swam up to him at a depth, and pushed with his nose. The dolphin asked for help to remove the fishing line.

The dolphin swims up to the diver at a depth, pushes him with his nose and asks for help to remove the fishing line

One of the members of the group filmed everything that was happening.

Keller Laros, a diving instructor, did not immediately understand what was happening. The dolphin seemed to offer to play, but behaved very clumsily. Looking closely, the diver saw a thin fishing line that tangled the fins.

“The line tightened more and more from the movement of the dolphin. He realized that he would not get out himself, so he sailed to us,” Laros explained later.

The dolphin swims up to the diver at a depth, pushes him with his nose and asks for help to remove the fishing line

Fortunately, the instructor took an underwater knife with him, the serrator of which is designed just for cutting wire, fishing line and fishing nets, which a diver may encounter at depth.

For 8 minutes, Laros carefully cut and unraveled the line

All this time the dolphin was patiently waiting. Once he went upstairs to take a breath of air, and then returned to the divers again.

The dolphin swims up to the diver at a depth, pushes him with his nose and asks for help to remove the fishing line

The process of saving the dolphin was caught on video.

After the line was removed, the dolphin swam alongside the divers for some time. He was clearly thanking people for their help.

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