Dog keeps running away from owners and swimming across the lake to the campground to make new friends


The dog, whose name is Thunder, loves to run away from the owners and swim across the lake.

Dog keeps running away from owners and swimming across the lake to the campground to make new friends

On the other side there is a campsite, which is visited by many people.

There the dog gets acquainted with everyone and finds new friends.

Amanda Vermeer said that she used to work at a campsite by the lake and still comes there to relax.

Every time she sees a dog swimming across the lake, she realizes it’s Thunder.

Dog keeps running away from owners and swimming across the lake to the campground to make new friends

According to the woman, the dog likes both the process of swimming and camping.

Then he has the opportunity to greet people and get a treat.

When Thunder is spotted by camp workers, they call the dog’s owner to say, “He did it again.” Then the man is forced to go to pick up his pet.

“You can usually find him at a campsite. Thunder is having too much fun to go home by himself,” – said the owner.

The family has already tried various methods to keep Thunder from swimming across the lake. However, to no avail.

Dog keeps running away from owners and swimming across the lake to the campground to make new friends

“He looks at us and whines plaintively. However, usually his mood can be corrected by scratching behind his ears and under his chin,” the owner recalled the moments when he takes the dog home.

Despite everything, Thunder loves his family, because every time he is very happy to see them and actively wags his tail.

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