The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet


If someone spoils the wedding, then usually it is some uninvited distant relatives or just some immoral person searching for free drinks. However, this couple’s wedding was crashed by a stray dog.

The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet

Marília and Matheus held an outdoor wedding ceremony in São Paulo, Brazil.

Because of the rain, the guests and they had to hide under an awning.

Everything went according to plan, until one stray dog ​​(apparently looking for shelter from the downpour) looked under the awning and decided to walk to the altar instead of the bride.

The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet

The dog was taken away, and the young people began to say their vows, when suddenly the dog appeared again and brazenly lay down on Marília’s veil.

Perhaps what happened could spoil the mood of any girl, but not Marília.

The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet

The girl said that now the dog is the official guest of the wedding.

“It was a joy for me, I really love animals,” Marília shared.

After the end of the celebration, the newlyweds wanted to find a dog and take him to them, but he just disappeared.

The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet

The couple set off in search of him, they were looking for a dog all over the city.

And their efforts were rewarded – they found it!

Marília and Matheus named the dog Snoop and made him a full member of their newfound family.

The sweetest reaction of this couple to a stray dog who crashed their wedding conquered the Internet

“I washed him thoroughly. He slept well the first night. He looks very happy,” says Marília.

“We are all very happy.”

Let’s rejoice for Snoop choosing the right place to wait out the rain and finding a family.

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