65-year-old Joey Henney felt lonely for a long time and therefore decided to get a pet.
But instead of a dog, the man brought home an alligator. In the video, this descendant of dinosaurs behaves like a real cat: he loves to be closer to the owner and constantly demands to be stroked.
Wally the alligator came to Joey a few years ago.
He was rescued from a kennel in Florida at a very young age. At home, the alligator got used to it very quickly and now does not resemble its wild counterparts.
“It’s all about caring. As a little Wally he was afraid of everything and I kept calming him down. Now the alligator associates a person with safety and delicious food, and therefore behaves like a real pet,” Henney explained to reporters.
The man does not see the problem in the size of the alligator. Wally has now grown to 1.37 meters, in the end he can reach four meters in length.
While Wally lives in the house, but with this size, he will have to move to the yard.
The appearance of Joey with Wally on a leash always causes a stir on the streets. Still, it’s not every day that an alligator walks past you.