One of the most anticipated historical events of 2023: Charles III was crowned in London

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On the afternoon of May 6, one of the most anticipated historical events of 2023 took place in the UK – the coronation of Charles III.

One of the most anticipated historical events of 2023: Charles III was crowned in London

The live broadcast was carried out not only on British television but also on the official YouTube channel of the royal family.

The event, as expected, was much less magnificent than in the case of Elizabeth II. Then a lot more guests were invited.

However, this is not the only innovation.

One of the most anticipated historical events of 2023: Charles III was crowned in London

So, Charles III and his wife Camilla went to Westminster Abbey not on a historical carriage, but on a new gilded carriage, which was designed in 2012 and is called the Diamond Jubilee.

The British cheered wildly as the cavalry rode past them, cordoning off His Majesty’s carriage.

The stormy sounds of the crowd distracted the horses so much that they almost threw off the riders several times.

The coronation, by the way, was attended not only by fans of the monarchy, but also by its opponents.

One of the most anticipated historical events of 2023: Charles III was crowned in London

Many of them raised a variety of posters into the air with calls to finally change the political system.

By the way, not without Meghan Markle’s fans. They chanted that Megan is the queen of human hearts.

Recall that Charles III waited 64 years and 44 days for his coronation. This is an absolute record among all royal families, made possible solely due to the longevity of Elizabeth II.

Many were sure that he would give up the crown in favor of his son, but this never happened.

After a ceremony that included the traditional oaths and anointing, as well as the presentation of two scepters, the archbishop finally crowned Charles III.

One of the most anticipated historical events of 2023: Charles III was crowned in London

By the way, the crown that was chosen for the king was made in the 17th century from pure gold.

This jewelry weighs more than two kilograms and is decorated with more than 400 precious stones.

Charles III swore to be a just and merciful king, as well as to adhere to the strict rules of the Anglican Church and protect it and the state laws of the country during his reign.

Charles also took the oath of allegiance to the Protestant Church, a move that Elizabeth II certainly would not have approved of.

By the way, many British also spoke out against the multi-confessional ceremony.

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