A resident of Chicago once found a box on the porch of her house.
When she opened it and looked inside, she saw there a white and black kitten with unusually large eyes.
The kitten looked unkempt and. Moreover, a wound was found on its neck, so the woman immediately took him to the vet.
At the vet clinic, the wound was sutured, and then veterinarian Elise Hall examined the kitten.
“On the first day he was very shy and depressed, but the next day he started trying to play. And he was so unusual with his big eyes,” – says Elise.
The unique kitten immediately went deep into the veterinarian’s soul and she could not stop thinking about him.
Alice gave the kitten the name Porg in honor of the character in “Star Wars”, who also has very large eyes.
At first she thought that Porg had a congenital anomaly of the eyes, but then she noticed that he also had unusually loose skin and got him tested.
The results showed that the kitten has the so-called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which is mainly characterized by flaccid skin and flexible joints.
“By then it was already clear that Porg would be a member of my family,” says Elise.
To protect the kitten’s skin, Elise began to dress him in various elastic clothes, and to drip eye drops in his big eyes.
The treatment helped, Porg became much healthier and began to actively grow up.
Now, when he is almost an adult, there is nothing that he would not be able to do.
He remained a very unusual-looking big-eyed cat, but medical problems hardly bother him anymore.
Elise calls him a very special cat.