As soon as the cat realized that the dog was sick, he immediately began to care for him.


Eliza Collins has never been a cat lover, preferring dogs to them. But, ironically, it was the purr who first got into her house!

As soon as the cat realized that the dog was sick, he immediately began to care for him.

Appearing in the house, the white and black cat turned out to be sociable and affectionate.

And, as it turned out, he loves dogs very much. That is why, when a shepherd puppy named Baron appeared in the house, the cat was very happy with him!

They hit it off from the very first meeting.

As soon as the cat realized that the dog was sick, he immediately began to care for him.

Alvin and Baron hugged, played together, and when the puppy lay down on the sofa or rug, the cat began to lick the baby’s muzzle.

The dog grew up and seemed to be a perfectly healthy pet.

But suddenly something strange began to happen to him. From time to time he suddenly fell on the grass with convulsions.

As soon as the cat realized that the dog was sick, he immediately began to care for him.

Seizures were repeated, and at such moments it was painful and scary to look at the dog.

Of course, Baron was taken to the doctor, and he prescribed medicine for the dog.

After taking them, the pet was lethargic, apathetic and indifferent to everything that was happening.

Meanwhile, Alvin felt that something was wrong with his four-legged friend.

He walked up to him and began to stroke his paw, as if reassuring.

As soon as the cat realized that the dog was sick, he immediately began to care for him.

And then he began to lick his muzzle, as he always did. The cat wanted to show that he supports his friend and understands how bad it is for him.

Surprisingly, after Alvin began to support Baron, he felt much better!

Yes, he has to take medication, but he stopped lying on the floor indifferently. The terrible attacks stopped, and the dog feels great!

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