Grateful rescued cat collects gifts from the streets to give to his parents every single day


A cat with an interesting name, Gonzo, is a full member of Derek’s family.

He was taken from the shelter about a year ago, and he perfectly adapted to the new home.

Grateful rescued cat collects gifts from the streets to give to his parents every single day

As a result, the owners were already calm for the pet, since he always returned home.

The cat, who is very grateful to the family that has sheltered him, most likely wants to thank his owners in a very curious way.

Once Derek’s wife scared him with a cry and he, rushing to help her, saw a strange sight.

Grateful rescued cat collects gifts from the streets to give to his parents every single day

Gonzo found the bird and decided to treat the owner with the prey.

She, of course, was not delighted with the behavior of the pet and the bird remained alive, it was quickly released outside.

But the smart cat guessed that it is better to avoid live gifts and need to come up with something more interesting.

Grateful rescued cat collects gifts from the streets to give to his parents every single day

And from that time on, he scrupulously selects presents for his owners, regularly bringing new and new ones.

He once brought as many as nine gifts in a day.

He usually brings items from the local trash heap: pieces of cardboard, magazine covers, plastic dishes.

Grateful rescued cat collects gifts from the streets to give to his parents every single day

But one day he decided to rob the workers who were fixing the sewer. And the owner made excuses for a long time that it was a cat’s trick.

Sometimes the cat shows remarkable imagination in choosing a gift, therefore, to avoid problems, the owners provided him with a miniature camera attached to the collar.

By the way, before taking this or that item, he meticulously examines it from all sides and sniffs it.

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