Maternal love is a strong power. The care and devotion of a mom, both in human beings and among animals, doesn’t have any border.
The story of this mom cat is extraordinary, as she decided to take care of not only her newborn kittens, but orphaned baby ducklings, as well.
An animal loving couple, Ronan and Emma, encountered a strange behavior by their beloved cat, who has just newly given birth to her three kittens.
She took under her care the three orphaned ducklings.
The cat’s humans were concerned about the ducklings’ safety, as they didn’t expect that their cat will not harm them. Anyway, Ronan and Emma had to be cautious and keep an eye on their mother cat, to be sure that she has perfect intentions for them.
Time showed, that their concerns were in vain, as mother cat proved that she just wanted to take care of the duckling, as her own kittens.
According to Ronan, as soon as the mom cat laid down, three little ducklings walked quickly underneath her.
Then, when she purred, the humans understood that everything is okay.
The cat owners thought their mommy pet thinks, she is the mother of the ducklings, as well, and she sowed her maternal instinct not only for her own kittens, but the ducklings, as well.
But, mother cat, probably will understand that the ducklings are not her kittens, when they grow up. But the love to them will not disappear. She will be their adoptive mother forever.
Please, watch this wonderful story here.