This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

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Shelly and Rob Wall couldn’t be happier when they found out that they would soon become parents for the second time.

But in the third month of pregnancy, a shock awaited them.

This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

The doctor informed the couple that the fetus was developing with a rare chromosomal abnormality, spina bifida, and hydrocephalus, which causes fluid to accumulate in the brain.

The situation was very serious. The doctors were sure that the child would either be born dead or have serious mental and physical disabilities.

In addition, the presence of a hole in his spine was very likely. Five times, doctors strongly advised the spouses to terminate the pregnancy. But Shelly could not give up the child.

This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

When the time of birth came very close, with a heavy heart, they bought a baby’s coffin and began to prepare themselves for the worst.

And this day has come.

Baby Noah was born with an almost absent brain, it was less than 2%. The rest of the head was filled with fluid. In addition, below the chest, his torso was completely paralyzed.

This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

The newborn underwent a 5-hour operation, during which surgeons sewed up a hole in the baby’s back and installed a shunt inside the skull, with which fluid could be pumped out.

Shelly and Noah were released from the hospital 10 days after giving birth, and then made regular visits to the medical center to drain fluid from the baby’s head.

These were insanely difficult days, full of worries, fatigue, sleepless nights. But not for a second did the couple lose their faith that their son would endure everything and survive.

This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

Parents and relatives of the baby surrounded him with care, affection and love.

And, to the surprise of everyone, the boy’s brain began to grow gradually!

By the age of three, the scan produced a result that amazed and delighted Noah’s relatives and doctors – he had 80% of a normal human brain!

The neurosurgeon observing Noah is sure that he is an extraordinary child with extraordinary parents, and his case is a discovery for world medicine.

Today, doctors continue to monitor the development of the brain of an amazing little patient and note with satisfaction his further growth.

This boy was born with almost no brain and you will be surprised how the boy lives now after 9 years

Every day, the boy trains his brain with the help of his parents and older sister.

Noah can count to ten, holds a pen well, tries to write and draw, and even started going to school.

How could doctors imagine this when he was born!

The boy still uses a wheelchair, but a series of complex surgeries raises the hope that he will one day be able to walk on his own.

His parents firmly believe that miracles are not over yet and their boy will be able to get back on his feet.

After all, it was their faith that gave Noah a chance to live and make them happy.

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  1. Edward Mathews

    Amazing article of the growth of this young man. I am able to empathize with you as one of our Grandsons was born with the same issue of Hydrocephalus. He used sign language to communicate during the first three years. When he was three years old he fell or rolled down the stairs to the lower level of the house. When he got up he was fine, no injuries, and started talking. He didn’t require a shunt as the circumference of his head never increased to 55 centimeters.
    Your son has been through a lot and he is still learning. Our boy fortunately has had less stress than Noah. But he has to deal with seizures that put him out sometimes for 15 to 30 minutes and longer. He has frozen in place and once with us fell straight back and cracked open his head. Gave his parents and us quite a scare. Called paramedics and took him to the hospital for treatment and sew him up.
    Sorry about the long note, but to let you know, our boy is 21, graduated high school when he was 17. He wants to continue his education but every time he gets started he feels like he has to go at the speed of light to get everything done and that causes stress which brings on the seizures.
