Why did she destroy herself?
A woman with famous cheekbones discovered her pre-plastic operation look and resulted in hot debates.
You will be astounded after seeing her photos in the article.
The name of this woman is Anastasia Pokreshchuk, wanted to have the biggest cheekbones by means of plastic surgeries.
She gained fame after her special look. Lately, her photos before operations were appeared on the social media.
In the pictures, the woman was totally other person. She was very natural before. Besides the cheekbones, she also enlarged her lips.
After completing the operations, she became famous and the subject of many discussions.
Her name became famous as the keeper of the best cheeks in the entire world.
She got this appearance from time to time, getting fillers, and in the end she indicated her final face.
The whole social media is surprised to see her different look.
She added that, besides operations, she had also connection to cosmetologists vie video courses to provide this appearance.
She does not regret for the operations and the biggest cheekbones, she is very joyful and self-esteemed.
There are people who do not like natural or regular looks, they are keen about odd and not natural features.
What do you think about her unique and strange look?