Immediately after coming to this world, newborn greeted her father with a big smile, recognizing his voice

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Dad talked with his daughter all 9 months. She recognized him immediately after birth.

The first meeting with a baby is always a special and exciting moment for every parent. Especially when it happens for the first time in your life!

Immediately after coming to this world, newborn greeted her father with a big smile, recognizing his voice

Recently, a Brazilian couple experienced such a moment. But it was made even more extraordinary by the unusual reaction of their newborn baby.

Just a couple of minutes after the birth, baby Antonella gave her parents her first smile!

And it turns out that there was a reason: it turned out that the father of the newborn girl, Flavio Dantas, was constantly talking to her when Antonella was still in her mother’s tummy.

Immediately after coming to this world, newborn greeted her father with a big smile, recognizing his voice

Every day, the man, leaving for work, was saying warm words to his daughter.

The girl’s mother Tarsila began to notice that the child begins to behave actively when she hears her husband’s voice. The woman understood that their baby could distinguish voices, and this was confirmed immediately after the birth!

When Flavio approached his newborn daughter and spoke, the girl answered him with the cutest smile in the world.

Immediately after coming to this world, newborn greeted her father with a big smile, recognizing his voice

The man admitted that he simply could not describe the feelings that he experienced after the smile of his daughter.

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