The zoo worker took a little bear cub to him, the baby had nothing to eat.
Casey Anderson looked after him and raised him almost like his own son.
The man was so passionate about the pet that he did not even notice how the years had passed.
The bear has grown to 300 kilos, but is still a true member of the Casey’s family.
While the bear cub was very small, he lived in the house with people. After he grew up a little, the man arranged a special shelter for him on his farm.
Casey is professionally involved in animals.
A year later, Anderson even realized that he could help other cubs in a difficult situation. He bought another plot of land from the farm, hired assistants and built a mini-reserve.
Brutus grew during this time. He still went out to play with Casey, and only three years later the man realized how strong his pet was.
“It was unexpected. All the time I perceived him as a bear cub, and then a huge grizzly comes out of the enclosure at me!” — Casey recalled.
Of course, Anderson was not afraid. Brutus had known him for a long time and was used to him, besides, the man had the necessary experience.
The bear still lives on the Casey’s farm today; it was not possible to release him into the wild. But now the owner uploads a video with an unusual pet:
Casey expects his friendship with the bear to last at least 40 years.