If you spot little pink eggs on your walls, be aware that they may signal a serious problem in your home. π«’π³ π«’π³ Explore the details! π³ What seems innocuous at first glance could be hiding a real danger π³ Read more in the article below! π
These eggs are not what you think! Far from being a festive decoration, they’re the eggs of a dangerous invasive species, which poses a serious threat to local biodiversity. Find out why these mysterious pink clusters are a real danger to your environment.
What are pink eggs?
These bright pink pearls are not harmless: they belong to the apple snail (Pomacea), a freshwater snail that poses a growing threat to vegetation and ecosystems. Native to South America, this species has spread rapidly throughout the world, particularly in lakes, ponds and wetlands.
Apple snails: a scourge for the ecosystem
This invasive gastropod is causing serious problems for local flora, due to its rapid proliferation, particularly as a result of global warming.
If they are present in your home, you need to take urgent action to protect your surroundings.