Reveal The Past Through These Ancient Items! Can You Imagine Their Goal? 

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In a calm corner of your granny’s attic, covered among her ancient sewing supplies, you might come across a few small metals that carry the influence of the pastime. 😱🤫

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Reveal The Past Through These Ancient Items! Can You Imagine Their Goal? 


These little interesting items are thread bobbins, once important things to carry the process of sewing, like as the phones, which have become inseparable part of the daily life.

Bear in mind, in the 1970s, these bobbins show more than the simple machine parts.

Reveal The Past Through These Ancient Items! Can You Imagine Their Goal? 

They create the impression of imagination. Every bobbin with its holes was wound with thread and put in the sewing machine.

It was considered to be a part of home crafting. After all, sewing is not a hobby, it is an essential ability for life, from generation to generation.

Reveal The Past Through These Ancient Items! Can You Imagine Their Goal? 

During the process, the fabric becomes clothes. These bobbins create the clothes which should be worn long, or pass from the elders to youngers.

These forgotten items play an essential role in the life.

They help to sew wedding gowns, school uniforms.

Reveal The Past Through These Ancient Items! Can You Imagine Their Goal? 

Every bobbin has its story. The process is accompanied by the background music, then someone who carefully sew the clothes, often meeting satisfaction or disappointment.

They connect the past with the future, when having sewed clothes was not a luxury but a necessity.

They show us the ability of sewing something, keeping the traditions alive.

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