This tiny wiener dog loves to take a nap on the fluffiest dog in sight in the daycare and her friends don’t mind it either

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The best method to become cheerful and strong, it’s to have a deep sleep.

But the place, where you should sleep, is also very important. As cozy and soft it is, so peaceful sleep you can have.

It’s that very time in a day, when you forget all your problems and worries.

This tiny wiener dog loves to take a nap on the fluffiest dog in sight in the daycare and her friends don't mind it either

It’s so pleasant to be for a while in a wonderful world of dreams, where every impossible thing can be possible, where you can do what you want.

But, nowadays, it’s not always possible to have a sweet sleep, as we always hurry to somewhere, or have to do many things, so, there remains not enough time for our sleep.

This tiny wiener dog loves to take a nap on the fluffiest dog in sight in the daycare and her friends don't mind it either

Now, imagine such a scene, you spend a wonderful time, do what you want, play how much you want, and then fall just asleep.

And before you get asleep, you find a wonderful place, it means the softest and coziest place for your sleep.

In this case, that comfortable place is a fluffy dog. That’s how does this tiny puppy.

This tiny wiener dog loves to take a nap on the fluffiest dog in sight in the daycare and her friends don't mind it either

Meet Edna, who attends a daycare from her early age.

She is full of energy and likes to play until she gets exhausted.

But, once she is tired, she chooses the softest fur in sight, then takes her nap.

All that she wants, it’s a comfortable place to have rest. And that place in daycare of course is on some dog’s fur.

This tiny wiener dog loves to take a nap on the fluffiest dog in sight in the daycare and her friends don't mind it either

What is funny, that Edna each time chooses a new dog as a comfy place to nap.

And her kind friends don’t mind it. They all seem to enjoy this snuggling as Edna.

Even, when she grew up, she keeps taking naps, as usually.

When her owner Brianna wants to pick her up from the daycare, Edna doesn’t want to go home.

It’s difficult for her to leave the soft, warm and cozy place, where she naps.

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