Exhausted endangered Siberian tiger walks into village to seek out human help

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The Siberian tigress crawled out to people for the last hope.

The poor animal with broken teeth and damaged paws, in a state of extreme exhaustion, crawled onto the veranda of a private house in Khabarovsk – the rescuers arrived at the last moment.

Exhausted endangered Siberian tiger walks into village to seek out human help

A team of specialists from the Siberian Tiger Center arrived at the scene just in time.

The predator showed no resistance, as if he really counted on human help.

The tigress has already been taken to a rehabilitation center.

Exhausted endangered Siberian tiger walks into village to seek out human help

Her health condition is extremely serious, veterinarians are trying to stabilize it.

First, she needs to be fattened, because she is very emaciated, intensive drug therapy is being carried out.

The predator is placed in a quarantine warm house.

It is not yet clear what problems veterinarians will have to face.

Exhausted endangered Siberian tiger walks into village to seek out human help

So far, experts can only ascertain the state of extreme exhaustion of the beast and eliminate external damage.

There are only 550 Siberian tigers left. Saving even one tigress will be important for the entire population as a whole.

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