From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

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We all have heard about stories and tales, where a beauty, with the help of her care and love, transforms the life of the brute and make him a handsome man.

Really, the positive can save the world.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

Always be grateful to those persons who vie their care and assistance could change a homeless into an ideal man, who plays a piano, emerging good felling rather than disgust.

In Sarasota, Florida, during an art demonstration, there was a red piano, and everyone could play it.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

When an old man, whose face was under the dust and dirt, came to play, everyone wanted to hear his song.

The music, which make inquisitive everyone, was very delightful for them and caught everyone’s attention.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

Not everyone wanted to approach him, evading nearness from the untidy man.

His music make interested in his song the team from Inner Edition, who decided to help him.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

The journalist introduced himself, his name is Richard Gould.

Who was a previous Marine, who knew to play a piano, he was very lucky in that field.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

Donald had a son, whom he loved, but he had not seen him for a very long time, due to his life on the streets.

After knowing about his story, the news team wanted to assist him.

From Shabby Unhoused Man To A Totally Different Person: How A stylist Altered His Life 

The fed him, and then shave and gave him a new haircut, which he had not done over 18 months.

Then they provided him a new cloth.

Donald was delighted by his new look After the play, he told the journalist about his reconnection with his son, even the wish to earn money by himself.


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