Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot


Elephants are one of the smartest representatives of the animal world.

Not only because of the phenomenal memory, but also because of the ability to cope with all sorts of problems.

Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot

So the doctors in Zimbabwe couldn’t believe their eyes when one day an elephant approached them.

They knew immediately that something serious had happened.

It seemed as if the elephant was asking people for something, but they could not understand what exactly.

Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot

The doctors were ready to defend themselves if the animal suddenly behaves aggressively, but quickly realized that this was not necessary.

As soon as the elephant approached them, the doctors realized what had happened.

There was something on his head…

Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot

As it turned out, the elephant, which they later called Pretty Boy, came to people because he got into trouble: there was a serious gunshot wound on the animal’s head, he was in great pain.

The poor elephant was shot in the head and, apparently, he did not have much time left.

Thank God they knew exactly what to do. X-rays showed that the bullet had gone too high.

If it were a little lower, the poacher’s shot would be fatal.

Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot

Pretty Boy was injected with anesthesia, and the doctors could remove the bullet on the spot.

And from now on, thanks to the help of doctors, he would not have to experience the strongest pain from the bullet in his head until the end of his days.

They say elephants never forget anything.

And this elephant will never forget the people who helped him!

Elephant with an old bullet in his head asks people for help and they save him right on the spot

The fact that Pretty Boy was able to separate the good doctors from the bad poachers who hurt him is impressive.

Never doubt elephant intuition!

Hopefully, in the future, Pretty Boy will be able to avoid monsters that kill elephants.

At the very least, he knows where to look for help!

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