Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets


The dog came up with an unexpected method that helps her get even more love from people.

Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets

While jogging, Alyson saw a small white dog on the sidewalk.

She had a collar, but neither a leash nor an owner was around.

The girl decided that the dog was lost, because at the same time the animal looked at her very plaintively.

Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets

Moving closer, Alyson saw a large sign from the owner of the dog, which was attached to a fire hydrant.

“I’m Harper. I live here. I pretend to be lost so you’ll stop and pet me.”

Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets

In addition, Harper’s Instagram account was also mentioned.

It is known that once the dog was homeless, but for more than 3 years she has a family.

Although the new owners constantly surrounded her with love, however, Harper becomes incredibly happy when strangers pay attention to her.

Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets

She constantly rushes out into the street to get to know everyone.

The owner had to let the dog go for independent walks, but she decided to put up a sign so that no one would take Harper.

Clever dog pretends that she is lost to trick strangers into giving her pets

The dog manages to stop several passers-by in a day, and children even stop by regularly to play with Harper.

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