Very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan


A very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan.

It started six years ago.

Very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan

Then the owner of the tiger cub, who was three months old, asked a guy named Abdullah Sholeh to look after her. From that moment on, the man and the beast became inseparable.

Today, Abdullah is 33 years old, and the forest predator is only 6.

Very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan

Her weight is almost 180 kilograms. The tigress is generally very large. The weight of ordinary females of this species is 140 kilograms.

But it is believed that it can rise to 180, but this is already the limit. The length of the predator (including the tail) is three meters, the height is one meter.

Mulan eats twice a day. The menu includes about 6 kilos of various types of meat.

Sholeh says that he sometimes spends nights in the enclosure, sleeping next to his huge tigress. However, for the sake of human safety, powerful steel bars were installed here.

Very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan

The Bengal tiger is considered to be the national animal of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Its population here is less than 2,500 individuals. The trend towards the reduction of these animals is kept at a high level.

According to Abdullah, his friend Mulan is not at all aggressive, not angry. However, from this unusual friendship, the young man has some small marks on his body.

This is the “work” of a predator. However, she did it unintentionally, but simply unsuccessfully touched her friend with her powerful paw.

Very unusual friendship connects a man living in the Indonesian town of Malang and a tigress named Mulan

Stories about such an amazing friendship between a young guy and a rather young predator have become famous on social media.

We hope that everything will be fine with unusual friends in the future. A predator is a predator anyway, and one can never know what it will do the next minute.

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