This girl is already two years old, but you won’t believe it: she looks like a newborn and is in no hurry to grow

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This feature is called primary dwarfism of the second type.

This girl is already two years old, but you won't believe it: she looks like a newborn and is in no hurry to grow

The vast majority of people (however, like the mother and father of a young baby) did not know for a long time that such a feature was taking place. This is the last degree of dwarfism.

The human body practically does not grow.

This girl is already two years old, but you won't believe it: she looks like a newborn and is in no hurry to grow

Let’s get to know the main character. She looks pretty good in the photo.

However, if you pay attention, it is easy to notice that the stroller is tiny. Even the toys are very, very small.

And dad, compared to her, Gulliver in the country of Lilliputians.

This girl is already two years old, but you won't believe it: she looks like a newborn and is in no hurry to grow

To date, the girl is two years old, but her weight is less than 4 kg. On the day, she should add a couple of tens of grams, but adds only a few.

The eldest child named Samantha is an ordinary girl. But Abigail is just like a doll.

And by her 25th birthday, the younger sister can only grow up to 60 cm.

This girl is already two years old, but you won't believe it: she looks like a newborn and is in no hurry to grow

In fact, the baby plays well and eats well, but does not grow. She can be taught to write and read with great difficulty.

Of course, she can live for a long time, but everything needs to be prepared for this. The fact is that medicine is still powerless against such situations.

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