Meet Frog and Newt – two kittens from the same litter, born with a rare anomaly. They have no hind legs at all.
Despite their disabilities, both brothers learned to walk almost at the same time that normal kittens begin to walk.
They walk well on their front legs, and their tails help them maintain balance.
Frog and Newt were born in Liverpool and their owner posted pictures of the kittens on social media to find their owners.
When the pictures were seen by volunteers from the Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary, they decided to take care of the kittens into their own hands.
For ten days, Frog and Newt have been living in a shelter. Experts have studied their anomaly and said that they do not know anything about the birth of such two-legged cats in the UK in the early years.
It appears to be a unique case.
It is assumed that their anomaly is associated with inbreeding, that is, their mother and father were close relatives.
Congenital anomalies are often observed when adult unsterilized cats and cats from the same litter are kept in the same apartment and kittens are born to them.
According to the founder of the shelter, Stephanie Taylor, the lack of two hind legs seems to have little effect on the kittens’ mobility.
They walk and run beautifully and even manage to jump on chairs and a sofa.
Now the behavior and health of kittens are closely monitored. It is possible that they will forever live in this shelter if they do not find the owners.
Also, as adults, they will almost certainly need special strollers, due to the increase in body size, it will be much more difficult for them to keep balance.