The student draws a scary drawing and the teacher urgently calls his parents

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A photograph of a child’s drawing has gone viral on the web, and there are some funny reasons for it.

The point is not that the student portrays, but that he is completely different from what he seems at first sight. The professor was scared, but when he found out the truth, he almost passed out from relief.

The student draws a scary drawing and the teacher urgently calls his parents
The teacher saw that the little boy was drawing strange pictures, and he chilled all over, examining them more closely. But when he found out who exactly the student represented, he almost lost his mind.

According to the teacher, the student first drew four people hanging by the neck, and it turned out that the child was trying to portray members of his family.

It is not surprising that the teacher immediately suspected that something was wrong and decided that the baby suffered from depression.

In order not to make a mistake and not to take decisive action without understanding the situation, the man called the student to personally ask him about the drawing.

The student draws a scary drawing and the teacher urgently calls his parents

At first, the schoolboy did not understand why the teacher called him, but he burst out laughing when he understood the reason, then his teacher. The student said his family had recently taken up scuba diving and he wanted to convey that in his drawing.

Now, taking a closer look at the drawing, you can kind of see that the “strings”, which the schoolboy thinks are actually breathing tubes from which tiny bubbles rise.

Internet users reacted quickly, and their comments are really interesting, because it turned out that children and adults perceive reality completely differently.

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