Meet Asta Young, a pretty girl from Hong Kong. The height of this cute “Thumbelina” is only 134 cm.
Even when Asta was at school, she had a very hard time because of the rudeness of her classmates.
As you know, children and teenagers are often cruel, and Asta was often laughed at by her peers because of her small stature.
In the end, the girl began to avoid communication with other children and withdrew into herself.
Years passed, Asta finished her studies and found a job, but remained the same withdrawn.
It seemed to her that in this way she was protected from offensive words and negative attitudes.
But one day, the girl nevertheless decided to try to change her lifestyle and attitude to the world.
It is not known what prompted this. Perhaps the stimulus was Asta’s old dream – to cosplay.
And the girl decided to bring it to life. Her vibrant images have been a huge hit online.
Gradually, the girl was able to “get out of her shell”, became more open and made many friends.
Now, Asta Young lives in the USA with her husband, who simply adores his fragile and little wife. And, by the way, he shares her love for cosplay.