An elderly cat for a long time pretended not to love the owners’ daughter but the family accidentally found out the truth


The appearance of a small child in the house changes the life of not only his parents, but also pets.

At least, this cat was not at all ready to meet the baby.

An elderly cat for a long time pretended not to love the owners' daughter but the family accidentally found out the truth

Sunny the Cat has spent more than half of its life at the shelter, waiting for a loving family to take him home.

And when such was found, he was beside himself with happiness and quickly became attached to the new owners.

“We took Sunny out of the shelter five years ago. He was eight then, – recalls the adoptive “mother” of the cat – Shannon Richardson. – He had been waiting for this moment for six years.

As soon as we saw him, we realized that we had to take him.”

An elderly cat for a long time pretended not to love the owners' daughter but the family accidentally found out the truth

Sunny lived a happy, carefree life, surrounded by love and care – exactly until the moment the newborn baby girl Hazel was brought home.

And then the mood of the cat was immediately ruined.

“When we showed Hazel Sunny, he didn’t even pay attention to her,” Shannon says. – We put the cradle on the floor, the cat sniffed it, but immediately left to have dinner.

For several months, the cat made it clear in every possible way that he did not like the girl at all.

The Richardsons did not expect such a cold shoulder and were surprised at the cat’s indifference.

An elderly cat for a long time pretended not to love the owners' daughter but the family accidentally found out the truth

But one evening the unexpected truth was revealed to them: through the baby monitor, the couple saw how Sunny entered the room, jumped into the crib and, curled up into a ball, settled down to sleep next to Hazel.

“I didn’t expect this,” Shannon says. – Actually, getting into the crib is not so easy. To do this, you need to jump high, and Sunny does not like to jump at all. He stayed with Hazel for four hours, guarding her sleep! ”

An elderly cat for a long time pretended not to love the owners' daughter but the family accidentally found out the truth

It turned out that the cat had tender feelings for the girl all the time. He simply did not show them.

Now that his secret was revealed, Sunny stopped pretending and began to demonstrate in every possible way his boundless love for the baby.

As soon as she cried, he was immediately there and tried to console her.

Over time, he generally stopped coming to Hazel’s parents’ bedroom and began to devote all his time to the girl.

And although their acquaintance did not start very well, now they are real friends!

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