The story of a Shih Tzu named Bandit with an associated humane society began in very tragic circumstances.
He was found emaciated, with a dirty and tangled coat, he was very ill and needed quick help. And, fortunately, he got it from a New Jersey shelter.
However, the biggest help was his microchip.
The workers scanned it and guess what they found!
That the Bandit himself and his microchip have been considered lost for 5 years already!
Without delay, the workers of the shelter contacted its owners and told them about Bandit.
Their happiness knew no bounds. They soon came to their pet and after many years their family was reunited.
And even when Shih Tzu stayed at the shelter to visit a cardiologist, his family was with him throughout the journey and visited him every day.
But this reunion would never have happened if its owners had not taken care of its chipping.
Let this story be a reminder to remember to chip your dogs.
After this story, the New Jersey shelter began to distribute microchips and antibodies for animals for free.