This Texas ranch is using the healing power of horses to help veterans of the military find peace

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Derek Knapp once served in Afghanistan. Knowing how difficult returning can be, the man created the Restoration Ranch.

Returning to a peaceful life can be a difficult test for former participants in armed conflicts.

This Texas ranch is using the healing power of horses to help veterans of the military find peace

Difficulties in coping with mental and physical trauma may result in them drinking, using drugs, or committing suicide.

With this in mind, Derek Knapp created the Restoration Ranch Farm. Horses, which Derek saved from cruel owners, live on it.

These animals can also feel angry, lost, sad, or lonely.

This Texas ranch is using the healing power of horses to help veterans of the military find peace

Accordingly, communication helps both horses and people, because they become kinder and learn to trust.

“Veterans don’t want to feel helpless and unnecessary. They want to be important and help others. So we created our rehabilitation program with horses that have been abused and need help,” said Derek Knapp.

This Texas ranch is using the healing power of horses to help veterans of the military find peace

What you can do in Restoration Ranch:

  • learn horse riding free of charge
  • take care of horses.
  • communicate with horses to relieve stress and relieve negative emotions.

For every person on the farm, they find a horse with a character that helps a person feel calm and confident.

This Texas ranch is using the healing power of horses to help veterans of the military find peace

“Horses feel human emotions, so this can help many veterans cope with their psychological trauma. Especially if they are not yet ready to share their pain with people,” Derek said.

In addition, the farm can be used to grow vegetables or engage in construction activities.

Physical work also helps to release negative emotions.

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