Woman quits her job as a pre-school teacher to return stolen pets to their owners

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52-year-old Lisa Dean from Newark said goodbye to her job as an elementary school teacher to become the real Ace Ventura – a detective looking for pets: dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, etc.

Woman quits her job as a pre-school teacher to return stolen pets to their owners

To search for pets, the woman created her own organization called Beauty’s Legacy, in which several other volunteer detectives work with her.

With their help, hundreds of people were able to return their pets home. Some of them were stolen, others ran away and disappeared for many years.

Woman quits her job as a pre-school teacher to return stolen pets to their owners

“Since 2016, we have been able to find over 700 pets. It’s hard work, but very rewarding. Some rescue operations take months and even years,” Lisa Dean said.

The woman said that the number of pets that are stolen every day for breeding or sale is unbelievable.

“When I found out how many animals are being stolen for further breeding or sale, I was shocked. Criminals who steal dogs and cats should be treated the same as kidnappers. Pets become part of the family and therefore pet thieves should be punished to the fullest extent. If they did, there would be much less animal abductions,” Lisa says.

Woman quits her job as a pre-school teacher to return stolen pets to their owners

Lisa and her team respond to calls and messages from people who have lost pets at any time: they find out all the information they need to search, and then they begin to investigate.

If the search becomes dangerous, Beauty’s Legacy employees turn to the police for help.

Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of Beauty’s Legacy detectives, only half of the investigated cases end in success.

Woman quits her job as a pre-school teacher to return stolen pets to their owners

But for desperate pet owners, this is enough.

Lisa hopes that in the future pet thieves will be punished more severely, and the government will begin to regulate the price of purebred puppies and kittens so that dogs and cats are not stolen for breeding.

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